Thursday, January 30, 2014

Random Acts of Kindness

What is free to give, where there is no end to the supply?
Random Acts of Kindness.


What qualifies as a "Random Act of Kindness"?

There are many actions that can be 
Random Acts of Kindness!


Here are a few ideas 
to help you get started on your own path 
to contributing to the world with 
Random Acts of Kindness:

Listening to someone who needs a person to talk to and not
paying attention to how much time you are spending, before they are finished talking.

Asking someone if they could use some help with something in their life that is difficult for them to accomplish, on their own.  This could be helping them unload their groceries, preparing a meal, folding their laundry, or checking on them regularly.

Paying attention to the people around you and noticing when they are not as happy as usual or having a difficult day, then offering your time to listen and/or support.

Surprising someone, unexpectedly, with something you know they would love (that does not have to cost money). Usually, all it takes is a little creativity and a few minutes of your time. This could be as simple as getting something for them while you are up, or going that way, to surprising them with something like a blanket, warm cup of coffee, or retrieving the mail for them.

Doing the unexpected simply by making an extra batch of cookies or doubling a meal recipe, then delivering it to them when it is convenient to you.  They will be shocked, surprised, and happy to have the relief of having something homemade that they did not have to dream up and prepare themselves.  The thought of that kind act, will resonate long into the future.

These are but a few examples of Random Acts of Kindness, but I am sure you can come up with your own unique ideas that easily fit into your normal everyday life.  

Notice that the examples that I gave all begin with an action word:  Listening, acting, paying attention, surprising, and doing the unexpected.  

What can you think of that would qualify as a 
Random Act of Kindness? 

Please comment below 
so that we can share our ideas and pass on the good 
to the people who need it the most.

Improve the quality of someones day 
simply by acknowledging them with eye contact 
and smiling.

Talk to you soon!
~Kim Franklin-Magana

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Look for the Positive Around You!

Look for the positive around you
and suddenly, 

you will find, 
it is in everything and everyone!

 It's been there all along.

You just weren't looking for it, 
in the right way.

~Kim Franklin-Magana

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


"The two most important days 

in your life 

are the day you are born 

and the day 

you find out why."

~Mark Twain

Monday, January 20, 2014

Love Yourself

If there is no enemy within, 

the enemy without can do you no harm.

~African Proverb

Change Our Thinking...Change the W O R L D !

"The world we have created 

is a product of 

our thinking. 

It cannot be changed

without changing our thinking."

~ Albert Einstein

Friday, January 17, 2014

Think Positive!

Positive thoughts become positive actions.
Positive actions become positive gifts.
Positive gifts become positive memories.
Positive memories become positive lessons for life.
Sharing your positive lessons that you have learned from life is your way of giving back to the world in a positive way. 
It is contributing what you have learned, 
so that others may also learn.
That, is a positive thought.
~Kim Franklin-Magana

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Decide What's Important...

Not everything that counts can be counted, 

and not everything that can be counted counts.

~Albert Einstein

Dedication of one, has benefited many...

"It was their individuality 
combined with the shyness of their behavior 
that remained the most captivating impression 
of this first encounter with the greatest of the great apes."
– Dian Fossey

Dr. Dian Fossey, would have reached her 82nd  birthday on Jan, 16, 2014. With the anniversary of her untimely death on Dec. 26, 1985...

What can  O N E  P E R S O N  do?

Her dedication of research has benefited many and is ongoing, even today.

Dian Fossey was a zoologist best known for researching the endangered gorillas of the Rwandan mountain forest from the 1960s to the '80s, and for her mysterious murder.

To learn more about Dian and the ongoing preservation of gorilla's, & how you can help 
by adopting a gorilla, please visit here: 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


are as beautiful 

as you make 
others feel.
~Kim Franklin-Magana

Gratitude is Action!

“If we will be quiet and ready enough, 

we shall find compensation 

in every disappointment.”

~Henry David Thoreau

Curiosity is not just for humans...

The first and the simplest emotion 

which we discover 

in the human mind
is Curiosity.

~Edmund Burke

When we explore and look at things from a new perspective, 
we can discover something new 
from something old.
~Kim Franklin-Magana

Calm, Cool, and Collected...

F E A R...

"No passion 
so effectually robs the mind 
of all its powers
of acting and reasoning 
as fear."
~Edmund Burke


Fear is just an emotion 

that is designed to protect us 

from a perceived threat, 

in order to help us 

make the best decisions 

to preserve our life and safety.

Overcoming fears 
that keep us from living our life are 
achievable goals.

~Kim Franklin-Magana

Read more about overcoming fears that interfere with life, here:

Explore your world...OUR WORLD!

L I V E... N O W !

Life is an experience of endless possibilities!  

What you choose and how much you choose, is all up to you.

Taste the richness of beauty all around you and bathe in the vastness of knowing you could never achieve the completion of realizing all there is to appreciate and understand about the place we live.

But, never give up trying, anyway.

~Kim Franklin-Magana