Tuesday, May 28, 2013

BEWARE: ACTIONS controlled by FEAR!

When you "look the other way", that is fear controlling your actions.  

When you take action
there is authentic inner peace 
in knowing you became involved 
for the purpose 
of the best most possible outcome.

~Kim Franklin-Magana

You can take action right now by simply 
re-tweeting this to everyone you know 
and asking them to do the same.
Awareness is the KEY.

Friday, May 24, 2013

A Single Soul...

 is a single soul 
dwelling in two bodies.

Destination...New View!

“My destination is no longer a place, 

rather a new way of seeing”. 

~Marcel Proust

Y O U are the Ocean!

You are not a drop in the ocean.
You are the entire ocean, in a drop.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Empathy is Perspective in Action!

Empathy for others 
perspective in action!

~Kim Franklin-Magana

Empathy is the ability to mutually experience the thoughts, emotions, and direct experience of others. It goes beyond sympathy, which is a feeling of care and understanding for the suffering of others. Both words have similar usage but differ in their emotional meaning.http://www.diffen.com/difference/Empathy_vs_Sympathy

Are You Empathic? 3 Types of Empathy and What They Mean  http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/cutting-edge-leadership/201108/are-you-empathic-3-types-empathy-and-what-they-mean

Friday, May 3, 2013


When you feel you can't go on,
just say 

"yes I can",

then continue

~Kim Franklin-Magana