Thursday, March 28, 2013


 Risk and fear are no different than what Europeans,
at the time of Columbus
once thought about the edge of the world. 

 It's only there until it's not, but you will only know that-
 if you visit the edge.

~Kim Franklin-Magana

Demonstrating Compassionate Awareness

Compassion is the ability to demonstrate empathetic awareness and sympathetic understanding of someone else's concerns, situations, or feelings 
along with the selflessness to show and act
to alleviate their pain or situation,
 during their time of need.

~Kim Franklin-Magana

Sunday, March 17, 2013

What is L O V E ?

 is oxygen 
for the soul.
(pass it on...)
~Kim Franklin-Magana

Practice Gratitude Daily!

Thank you____. (fill in the blank)

The things you take for granted are the very things you will miss the most when they are no longer present in
 your life.

Show gratitude for the everyday moments; for they are the real things that give you peace, joy, and love in
your life.

~Kim Franklin-Magana 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Understanding & Forgiveness...

We all make mistakes, but everyone makes different mistakes.
~Ludwig Van Beethoven