Monday, April 30, 2012

Accept Yourself!

When you know yourself you are empowered.

When you accept yourself you are 


(Multi-colored meteorite)

~ Tina Lifford

Don't wait for others to empower you.  If you know what you are doing, claim it and move forward.  Permission, from others, not required.

~Kim Franklin-Magana

*If this sounds like something you have experienced, please share below...

Become Your Dream(s)!

There are some people who live in a dream world,
and there are some who face reality; 
and then there are those 
who turn one into the other. 
-Douglas H. Everett

So, keep dreaming and may all your wishes become reality!
~Kim Franklin-Magana 

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Nurture LOVE!

Just as fear breeds fear, 
The more you nurture it, 
the more it grows.”
~Maggie Lyon
Maggie Lyon is a writer on wellness and spirituality, a motivational speaker, and a holistic lifestyle consultant.
EXERPT...Suddenly, in December 2006, Maggie became severely ill with a case of amoebic dysentery, and ensuing endocrine, immune, and nervous system damage. Her body broke down, and life as she knew it evaporated. Shell-shocked, Maggie dove headlong into spiritual practice, explored a myriad of healing modalities, and organized an incredible team of alternative practitioners. Over the course of three years, Maggie rebuilt her body, healed her trauma, and regained her life, while deeply expanding her spiritual wisdom...

The Bystander Effect...

"The only thing necessary 
for the triumph of evil 
is for good men 
to do nothing."
~ Edmund Burke

Watch this 3 MINUTE Video - 
The Diffusion of Responsibility:

The bystander effect or Genovese syndrome 
is a social psychological phenomenon 
that refers to cases where individuals 
do not offer any means of help in an emergency situation 
to the victim 
when other people are present.
Interesting read!  To read more, please visit:


take a moment

and send this out to
everyone you know 
in order to

help spread awareness.

(The action you take will change lives for the better!)

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Your character describes who you are to others...

“Winning is a habit.  Watch your thoughts, they become your beliefs.  Watch your beliefs, they become your words.  Watch your words, they become your actions.  Watch your actions, they become your habits.  Watch your habits, they become your character.” 
~Vince Lombardi

The Early Years-
Lombardi was born in Brooklyn to Enrico "Harry" Lombardi and Matilda "Mattie" Izzo on June 11, 1913.  Harry's mother and father, Vincenzo and Michelina emigrated from SalernoItaly. Mattie's father and mother, Anthony and Loretta, emigrated from an area several miles east of Salerno. Henry had three siblings and Matilda had twelve siblings. Vince would be the oldest of five children, Madeleine, Harold, Claire, and Joe. The entire Lombardi and Izzo clan settled in Sheepshead Bay.
Matilda's father, Anthony, opened up a barber shop in Sheepshead Bay prior to the turn of the century. At about the time of Lombardi's birth, Harry, and his brother, Eddie, opened a butcher shop in the Meatpacking District. Throughout the Great Depression, Harry's shop did well and his family prospered.  Lombardi grew up in an ethnically diverse, middle-class neighborhood. 
 To read more about this inspiring man, please visit:


“Determine that the thing can and shall be done,
 and then we shall find the way.” 

~Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)
A Life in Brief
When Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860, seven slave states left the Union to form the Confederate States of America, and four more joined when hostilities began between the North and South. A bloody civil war then engulfed the nation as Lincoln vowed to preserve the Union, enforce the laws of the United States, and end the secession.


Thursday, April 26, 2012


“ There is no worse lie than 
a truth misunderstood 
by those who hear it. ”

~ William James

William James was an original thinker in and between the disciplines of physiology, psychology and philosophy. His twelve-hundred page masterwork, The Principles of Psychology (1890), is a rich blend of physiology, psychology, philosophy, and personal reflection that has given us such ideas as “the stream of thought” and the baby's impression of the world “as one great blooming, buzzing confusion”

SuCCeSS vs. Value

"Try not to become a man of success
but rather 
try to become a man of value."
~ Albert Einstein

Time Line of Einstein's Life-

1879: Albert Einstein is born to Hermann Einstein (a featherbed
salesman) and his wife Pauline in Ulm, Germany.

1884: Around this time, Albert receives his first compass,
beginning his quest to investigate the natural world.

1889: At age 10, Albert sets into a program of self education and
reads as much about science as he can.

To continue reading the complete timeline, please visit:
More interesting reading found here:


Never explain. 
Your friends do not need it 
and your enemies will not believe it anyway

~Elbert Hubbard
(1856 - 1915)
On May 7, 1915 -  Alice and Elbert Hubbard perish after their ship, the RMS Lusitania, is torpedoed by the Germans and sinks off the coast of Ireland.

Watch video's, view pictures, and read more about this interesting man:

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Be a Happy Optimist!

people are happy 
can drag them 
into a war.  

Osho was born Chandra Mohan Jain, the eldest of eleven children of a cloth merchant, at his maternal grandparents' house in Kuchwada; a small village in the Raisen district of Madhya Pradesh state in India.

Ego and the mind

According to Osho, every human being is a Buddha with the capacity for enlightenment, capable of unconditional love and of responding rather than reacting to life, although the ego usually prevents this, identifying with social conditioning and creating false needs and conflicts and an illusory sense of identity that is nothing but a barrier of dreams.  Otherwise man's innate being can flower in a move from the periphery to the center.
Osho views the mind, first and foremost, as a mechanism for survival; replicating behavioural strategies that have proven successful in the past. But the mind's appeal to the past, he said, deprives human beings of the ability to live authentically in the present, causing them to repress genuine emotions and to shut themselves off from joyful experiences that arise naturally when embracing the present moment: "The mind has no inherent capacity for joy. ... It only thinks about joy." The result is that people poison themselves with all manner of neurosesjealousies and insecurities. He argued that psychological repression, often advocated by religious leaders, makes suppressed feelings re-emerge in another guise, and that sexual repression resulted in societies obsessed with sex. Instead of suppressing, people should trust and accept themselves unconditionally. This should not merely be understood intellectually, as the mind could only assimilate it as one more piece of information: instead meditation was needed.
Read more about Osho here:

Are we really ever wasting time?

"Creativity is the residue 
of wasted time." 
~ Albert Einstein
Einstein's education was disrupted by his father's repeated failures at business. In 1894, after his company failed to get an important contract to electrify the city of Munich, Hermann Einstein moved to Milan, Italy, to work with a relative. Einstein was left at a boarding house in Munich and expected to finish his education. Alone, miserable, and 
repelled by the looming prospect of military duty when he turned 16, Einstein ran away six months later and landed on the doorstep of his surprised parents. His parents realized the enormous problems that he faced as a school dropout and draft dodger with no employable skills. His prospects did not look promising.

 Excerpt taken from this excellent website:

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

What People Say vs. What People Do...

The older I get 

the less I listen to what people say 

and the more I look at what they do. 

~ Andrew Carnegie


When Carnegie retired from business in 1901, he set about in earnest to distribute his fortune. In addition to libraries, he provided hundreds of church organs to local communities.  Carnegie's wealth helped to establish numerous colleges, schools, nonprofit organizations and associations both in his adopted country, as well as in Scotland and throughout the globe. His most significant contribution, both in terms of money and in terms of enduring influence, was the establishment of several endowed trusts or institutions bearing his name.
By the time of his death in 1919, Andrew Carnegie had given away about $350 million, but the legacy of his generosity continues to unfold in the work of the trusts and institutions that he endowed.
Very interesting read!  Please continue to enjoy here:

Sunday, April 22, 2012

One step at a time... ;)

To get through the hardest journey 
we need take only one step at a time, 

but we must keep on stepping. 
~ Chinese Proverb

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Create...a dream!

“Do you have a dream?  

If not, create one. 
Dreams are what keep us going.”
~Brent Hunter

 My real passion and main project is helping build bridges worldwide. This includes helping people find peace within themselves as well as building a bridge from war to peace in the 21st century: The Rainbow Bridge — The People’s Bridge — Humanity’s Bridge.

Friday, April 20, 2012


Faith sees a beautiful blossom
in a bulb,
a lovely garden
in a seed,
 and a giant oak
in an acorn.”
~William Arthur Ward 

Born and reared in Louisiana, Dr. Ward entered the United States Army as a private in 1942 and rose to the rank of captain. Part of his four years of military service was spent in the Philippines.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Your character is a gift to others!

You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those 
who can do nothing for him
~ James D. Miles

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Throw, complain, stumble, climb, or BUILD!

 “We can throw stones, complain about them,
 stumble on them,  climb over them,
 or build with them.” 

~William Arthur Ward

William Arthur Ward (1921–1994), author of Fountains of Faith, is one of America's most quoted writers of inspirational maxims.
More than 100 articles, poems and meditations written by Ward have been published in such magazines as Reader's DigestThis WeekThe Upper RoomTogetherThe Christian AdvocateThe Adult StudentThe Adult TeacherThe Christian HomeThe Phi Delta KappanScience of MindThe Methodist LaymanSunshine, and Ideals.  Further information regarding William A. Ward, found here:

Friday, April 13, 2012

YOUR in Control!

You don't need anyone else's permission to be happy

Your life is magnificent not because someone says it is,

 but because you choose to see it as such. 

~ Ralph Marston

 "Your goals, minus your doubts, equal your reality."
~Ralph Marston


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

What's better than good?

Aim above morality. Be not simply good;

be good for something.

~Henry David Thoreau

Thoreau was born in Concord, Massachusetts in 1817 and died there in 1862, at the age of forty-four.
To continue reading, please visit: